Message from the Founder – KRP Consult Education & Migration
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Message from the Founder

Narayan Pandey

Narayan Pandey
KRP Consult Education & Migration Services
MARN: 1909617
QEAC: N604

The spirit of client-focused business raised since 2011 when there were very few businesses accepting the challenging cases of international students and interested applicants for permanent residency in Australia. There was a time when we had to call the relevant department directly to  find most of the information and myself as an international student at that time, found it quiet  inaccessible to gather all the required information as only qualified counsellors could achieve.

As a trailblazing founder of this company, this also means a great responsibility for us since we are growing steadily and strongly. Responsibility towards our students, intending migrant, education partners, health partners, suppliers, and our employees. That is why we have adopted a sustainable manner as a matter of course for us – and we aim to be firmly anchored Australia-wide. This spirit and the will to succeed are an integral part of our corporate culture. And every day, this strengthens our determination to become even better.

We continually strive to further expand our leading role as a nationally active education & migration agency. Our employees, who make a decisive contribution to the company’s success with their knowledge,  creativity, and reliability, and who are committed to using their inventive spirit to fulfill our clients’  requirements in a targeted manner worldwide, are the driving force behind this.

That is how we move the world – together.